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151 search results for deed

149 participating clerks, while 47 allow for mail-in renewals. Historical Deed Re-Indexing Projects Currently, 67 clerks participate in the Volun- tary Historical Deed Project. There are approx, (VMF) Program, which launched in 2017, currently stores 265 million images across 443,000 deed, Division  UCC Project  Real Estate Deed Project  Current Indexing Improvement Initiative  Historical Deed Re-Indexing Project  County-Funded Historical Deed, Lien & Plat Re-Indexing
that the Authority’s cash position is up from June 30, 2014. Deed revenues improved in June 2015 but staff anticipates lower deed revenue for fall 2015. The audit process with Mauldin & Jenkins, Court. 43 clerks and deputy clerks have successfully passed the deed indexing certification exam, Service with an ongoing fraud investigation. Voluntary (County-Funded) Historical Deed Re-Indexing, Division  UCC Project  Real Estate Deed Project  Historical Deed Re-Indexing Project
for the State of Georgia; Proposed Changes” was ap- proved unanimously by the Board. Historical Deed Project: It was reported that the Historical Deed Project remains suspended due to a lack of funds. A motion to continue the suspension of the Historical Deed Pro- ject due to budgetary constraints was approved unanimously by the Board. Voluntary Historical Deed Project: An update was given on the Voluntary Historical Deed Project. Through this project, counties have the ability
projects including the Real Estate Deed Project, the PT-61 Project, the MyVault Online Archive, continue to be filed in magis- trate court to avoid the $125 Judicial Opera- tions Fee. Historical Deed Re-Indexing Project An update was provided on the 1992 Histori- cal Deed Re-Indexing Project, -Funded Historical Deed Program It was reported that 59,694 records related to the Voluntary County-Funded Historical Deed Re-Indexing Project have been released for production. eFiling Project
that would allow the electronic filing of many types of documents including UCCs, deeds and court, Historical Deed Project — John Myers and Phil Kobierowski presented a report on the 1992 Historical Deed
Deed Project: An update on the Historical Deed Project was given and the following statistics were provid- ed: From January 1, 1993, all historical deed data has been collected from all counties. From 1992, 87% of all deed data has been collected. From 1990-1991, 57% of all deed data has been collected. Historical deed data must be re-indexed to meet current indexing standards, the sus- pension of the Historical Deed Project due to budgetary constraints was approved. Chairman
efficient process. Historical Deed Re-Indexing Projects Currently, the real estate search system re- flects a “good-from” date of 1/1/92. To date, the 1991-90 historical deed data from 85 clerks, been released to pro- duction. Regard- ing the County- Funded Histori- cal Deed, Lien, - tual Microfilm Program, an additional 27M his- torical deed and lien images were successfully, on the Historical Deed Re-indexing Projects. GSCCCA Update Page 4 website that currently holds over 273
is used to pay for the histori- cal deed project. Funds for SB50, provided through a grant, to SB50. The report was unanimously ap- proved by the Board. Historical Deed Project: A preliminary Deed Indexing Standards Supplement was presented to the Board by Phil Kobierowski. Mr
experts Phil Kobierowski and Gary Yates discuss the Historical Deed Project. Greg Morgan presents, - book is in development for the benefit of e- filers. Historical Deed Project: An update was presented on the Historical Deed Re-Indexing Project. To date, eight counties have provided complete historical deed data from 1990-1991. Approximately 630,000 instruments from 1990-1991, to partici- pate in the 1990-1991 Project. In relation to the Historical Deed Project, it
deed project. Liabilities have been reduced by 3.2 million dollars as a result of paying for the Historical Deed Project. It was noted that the Authority does not have a large cash reserve based on the financial report. A report on the estimated long-term cost of obtaining historical deed images, and Personal Property Indexing Standards for the state of Georgia by com- bining deed, supplemental deed, lien, and plat indexing standards. The following four motions were unanimously GSCCCA