143 search results for deed
- Lien Index | Lien Searches | GSCCCA
- https://www.gsccca.org/learn/search-systems/lien-index
- The Real Estate System is comprised of three primary components including the Lien Index. Each county maintains the official deed, lien and plat dockets. The lien index refers the user liens filed in all counties since at least January 1, 2004. The lien dockets hold liens on land or personal property (other than Uniform Commercial Code transactions) filed pursuant to state or Federal laws, , location of the property and the book and page where the actual deed is filed in the county. Images
- 2015-2016_Accomplishments
- https://www.gsccca.org/docs/default-document-library/2015-2016_accomplishments.pdf?sfvrsn=dab772cb_2
and registries:
Notary Division
Fines & Fees Division
UCC Project
Real Estate Deed Project
Historical Deed Re-Indexing Project
County-Funded Historical Deed, Lien and Plat Re-Indexing, of the highlights from FY 2016:
Began work on the expansion of the Historical Deed Re-Indexing Project to include all deed
instruments filed with clerks of Superior Court in the calendar years 1990 and 1991, of those clerks of Superior Court who have previously completed their 1990 and 1991
historical deed
- 2011-2012_Accomplishments
- https://www.gsccca.org/docs/default-document-library/2011-2012_accomplishments.pdf?sfvrsn=dac0c9d2_2
- to the
Historical Deed Project. The goal is to take plats and maps back as far as historical deeds.
PT-61, :
Notary Division
Fines & Fees Division
UCC Project
Real Estate Deed Project
Historical Deed Project
Lien, Plat & Map Project
Historical Plat & Map Project
PT-61 Project, for all 159 counties.
Developed 38 improvements to the existing automated deed quality assurance, a solution that facilitates the monthly export and delivery of electronic
TIFF real estate deed docket
- March11_News
- https://www.gsccca.org/docs/newsletters/march11_news.pdf?sfvrsn=c434279_2
- reduces the
cost of conducting in-person classes.
Historical Deed Project:
The Historical Deed, Deed Project remain
suspended until the next review by the Authority
Board of Directors, and vendor testing continues.
Satisfactions of security deeds will be the initial
document type, to
eFiling deeds, and ensure that the system runs
smoothly before it is opened up statewide.
It, an RFQ (Request for Quotation) in order to
select a sole vendor to provide deed microfilming
- May19_News
- https://www.gsccca.org/docs/newsletters/may19_news.pdf?sfvrsn=fe6e1308_2
- . At this time, the
deed indexing training and certification exam
will remain on the original training site, counties during April and May. In-person
training continues with upcoming deed index-
ing classes, of filing.
Historical Deed Re-Indexing Projects
It was reported that approximately 302,000
Historical Deed Project this summer.
Twelve counties remain outstanding as of
end of March 2019,
28 offices allow
all document
types except
19 offices allow
plats and state
- Premium Search | PT-61 and Real Estate Unique Searches | GSCCCA
- https://www.gsccca.org/learn/premium-search
- of related documents such as deeds, liens and plats.
Sales View – All on one screen, this view, ! Quickly view cross-referenced deeds, liens, plats and other instruments along with their images
- 2014-2015_Accomplishments
- https://www.gsccca.org/docs/default-document-library/2014-2015_accomplishments.pdf?sfvrsn=4fa039f7_2
- Division
Fines & Fees Division
UCC Project
Real Estate Deed Project
Historical Deed Re-Indexing Project
County-Funded Historical Deed, Lien and Plat Re-Indexing Project
Lien, Plat, constituencies throughout the year.
Administered the re-opened Historical Deed Re-Indexing Project to complete the deed indexing
for all incomplete indexing and imaging for the year 1992 so as to move the inclusive range of
deed data back to 1992 for all counties. In FY 2015, over 15,000 additional
- 2016-2017_Accomplishments
- https://www.gsccca.org/docs/default-document-library/2016-2017_accomplishments.pdf?sfvrsn=331ca797_2
Fines & Fees Division
Page 4
UCC Project
Real Estate Deed Project
Historical Deed Re-Indexing Project
County-Funded Historical Deed, Lien and Plat Re-Indexing Project
Lien, Plat, .
Continued work on the Historical Deed Re-Indexing Project to include all deed instruments filed, historical deed imaging indexing pursuant to a Clerk-Funded Historical Indexing
Agreement. Throughout the year, the Authority administered the project to complete the deed
indexing for all incomplete
- 2021-2022_Accomplishments
- https://www.gsccca.org/docs/default-document-library/2021-2022_accomplishments.pdf?sfvrsn=69247671_0
- ...................................................................................................................................28
Real Estate Deed Project, .................................................................................................30
Historical Deed Re-Indexing Project,
County-Funded Historical Deed, Lien & Plat Re-Indexing Project, Project
Real Estate Deed Project
Current Indexing Improvement Initiative
Historical Deed Re-Indexing Project
County-Funded Historical Deed, Lien & Plat Re-Indexing Project
Lien, Plat
- May12_News
- https://www.gsccca.org/docs/newsletters/may12_news.pdf?sfvrsn=4a72f950_2
- year.
Historical Deed Project:
It was reported that the Historical Deed Pro-
ject remains suspended due to a lack of
funds. A motion to continue the suspension
of the Historical Deed Project due to budget-
ary constraints was approved by the Board.
Voluntary Historical Deed Project:
It was reported that a number of Superior
Court Clerks wish to submit historical deeds
at their own expense, suggested that deeds and other instruments simply have not been returned to the
filing party after