143 search results for deed
- Georgia Deeds | About the Deed System | GSCCCA
- https://www.gsccca.org/learn/projects-programs/deed-system
- Georgia Deeds | About the Deed System | GSCCCA, and transmission of county deed, lien, plat index records and related images to the Central Collection System, the Local System Guidelines on our Deed, Lien & Plat Files page. Certified Vendors In order to help, suitability for all needs of Clerks of Superior Court. To view Deed systems that have been certified, to Georgia deeds and property transaction information in Georgia. The business community gained, estate documents in Georgia. The Real Estate Georgia Deed System provides Internet access 24
- Deed_Guidelines
- https://www.gsccca.org/docs/deed-lien-plat-documents/deed_guidelines.pdf?sfvrsn=b45bd3e4_2
- Deed_Guidelines, Index Layout 29
Appendix C - Georgia Counties and County Codes 33
Appendix D - Deed Instrument Types,
Appendix G - Historical Deed Re-Indexing Project Guidelines 38
GSCCCA Guidelines for County Real, Georgia Real Estate Indexes System is the electronic transmission of the County deed
index records, , the process will involve the following steps:
• Deed records are indexed normally on a daily basis, codes order: a space, followed by acceptable symbols
(sorted by ASCII codes) as determined by the Deed
- Lien Documents | Plat Files | Georgia Deeds | GSCCCA
- https://www.gsccca.org/file/deed-lien-plat-files
- Lien Documents | Plat Files | Georgia Deeds | GSCCCA, and Plat index data files to the GSCCCA. It does not apply to deeds. Deed, Lien, Plat Certification, for the indexing of all Real Estate(Deed), Lien, and Plat instruments filed with Clerks of Superior Court, ) This document is used for the indexing of all Real Estate(Deed), Lien, and Plat instruments filed, ) This document is used for the indexing of all Real Estate(Deed), Lien, and Plat instruments filed, Guidelines Deed System Guidelines 4-10-2008 (482 KB). UPDATED VERSION. Select 'view/mark-up
- Deed_GSCCCA_Indexing_System_Certification
- https://www.gsccca.org/docs/deed-lien-plat-documents/deed_gsccca_indexing_system_certification.pdf?sfvrsn=c983afd6_2
- Deed_GSCCCA_Indexing_System_Certification,
GSCCCA Real Estate, Liens, Plat Indexing System Certifications
1. General Information:
The GSCCCA (Authority) maintains a certification program for computer indexing systems used to index Real
Estate (deed), Lien and Plat instruments filed with Clerks of Superior Court. A GSCCCA certification is required of
these systems in order to sell, lease, license, operate or market them, the ascii deed data file is created”)
5. What are minimum computing requirements and operating system
- Historical Real Estate Indexing Certification
- https://www.gsccca.org/learn/certification-programs/historical-real-estate-indexing
- Certification Programs
Historical Real Estate Indexing The historical deed project involves the re-indexing of deeds prior to 1/1/1999 to meet the Indexing Standards for Real and Personal Property Records for the State of Georgia (Indexing Standards). Most of this re-indexing is performed by vendor personnel. This certification program has a pre-requisite that the vendor is using a certified, deeds in compliance with the Standards to a high level of accuracy.
This page will be updated
- March08_News
- https://www.gsccca.org/docs/newsletters/march08_news.pdf?sfvrsn=609bdce6_2
- the reasoning behind the
B the latest changes to the Stan-
B various deed and lien, Deed Project: It was
reported that approximately eighty-five coun-
ties have deed data available back to January
DeedIndexing Certification Test: A
report was given on the development of this
test which requires that anyone indexing his-
torical deeds take and pass the certification
test to demonstrate sufficient proficiency
indexing deed data. The test is complete and
in a beta
- Clerks - CHEROKEE County
- https://www.gsccca.org/clerks/clerk-results?cid=28
- Clerks - CHEROKEE County, Clerk Name: Patty Baker, City: Canton, Chief Deputy: Alexandra Keene, Office staff: Main Line: 678-493-6511 Jury Department: 678-493-6533 Deeds and Records: 678-493-6592 Board of Equalization: 678-493-6438
- Clerks - LAURENS County
- https://www.gsccca.org/clerks/clerk-results?cid=87
- Clerks - LAURENS County, Clerk Name: Jackie Dalton, City: Dublin, Chief Deputy: N/A, Office staff: Christy Johns - Juvenile B.J. Cash - UCC Sheila Hasty - Superior Court, Civil Jackie Dalton - Superior Court, Criminal Mary Chapman - Deeds Merita Evans - Magistrate Court
- Clerks - MORGAN County
- https://www.gsccca.org/clerks/clerk-results?cid=104
- Clerks - MORGAN County, Clerk Name: Jody M. Higdon, City: Madison, Chief Deputy: None Appointed, Office staff: Deeds and Records: 706-342-3605 Superior Court Civil: 706-342-3605 Superior Court Criminal: 706-342-3605 Juvenile Court: 706-342-3605 Board of Equalization: 706-343-6258
- Clerks - SPALDING County
- https://www.gsccca.org/clerks/clerk-results?cid=126
- Clerks - SPALDING County, Clerk Name: Debbie L. Brooks, City: GRIFFIN, Chief Deputy: Sherry H. Smith, Office staff: Real Estate Deeds, Liens & UCC Processing - (770) 467-4356 Civil Filings - (770) 467-4746 Criminal Filings - (770) 467-4745 Traffic Tickets - (770) 467-4747