Certification Programs Certified Vendors
Below are computing systems that have been certified for participation in Authority projects. In order to help assure quality, completeness, compatibility, and compliance with state laws, it is the Authority's intent to only receive Clerk of Superior Court data from certified computing systems. Certification is based on meeting minimum requirements for particular program participation and not upon suitability for all needs of Clerks of Superior Court.
Questions or comments may be directed to our customer support at help@gsccca.org.
Real Estate Indexing Systems
Section Updated: 12/18/2023
The following computer systems are certified to participate in the GSCCCA Consolidated Georgia Real Estate Indexes Project. These systems are used by Clerks of Superior Court to index real estate documents in their office and transmit copies of the records to the Clerks’ Authority in accordance with the provisions of O.C.G.A. 15-6-61(15). (Note: Not all vendors/systems listed below are eligible to participate in GSCCCA historical reindexing projects).
Beginning in 2016, the GSCCCA began issuing formal certificates whenever the certification status of an indexing system changed. Issued certificates, when available, are viewable from the links in the table below. The issuance of a certificate does not affect the status of computer systems certified prior to 2016. Additionally, the list of certified systems for deeds, liens, and plats has recently been combined into the single table below.
Company | Indexing Product | Deeds | Liens | Plats |
Cott Systems Corp | Resolution version GA.1 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Harris Recording Solutions | Oncore | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Icon Software Corp | Court Innovations™ Land and Court Indexing version 10.3 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Kofile Technologies | MainStreet Document Imaging and Indexing Ver 2.0 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
County Fusion, Version 2019 | 10/7/2019 | 2/6/2020 | 2/6/2020 | |
Lewis InfoTech, Inc | Land Records Manager, (LRM) 2014 | 11/17/2015 | 2/5/2016 | 7/6/2016 |
Pioneer Technology Group | Landmark Version 1.4 | 8/29/2016 | 9/21/2016 | 9/21/2016 |
Team IA | County Document Management Systems (CDIMS) | - | - | Yes |
Tyler Technologies, Inc | Eagle Recorder, Version 3.4 | 3/14/2011 | 3/14/2011 | 3/14/2011 |
Land Record System (LRS) 1.0 (07/2014) | 7/2014 | 7/2014 | 7/2014 | |
Real Estate Management 11-01-2002 | - | 11/1/2002 | 11/1/2002 | |
Verified Data Management Systems, Inc | DataCapture by VDMS Ver 1.06 | 7/20/2018 | 7/20/2018 | 7/20/2018 |
Note 1: Certified In-House County System(s): Cobb County, Certified for Deed (9/2012), Lien (9/2012) and Plat (9/2012)
eFile Systems
The following computer systems are certified to electronically communicate eFilings with the GSCCCA eFile portal and are used by Clerks of Superior Court to eFile deed, lien, and plat documents. GSCCCA issued certificates are viewable from the links in the table below.
Company | eFile System | Deeds | Liens | Plats | Status |
Catalis Courts & Land Records, LLC | Landmark Version | 5/8/2023 | 5/8/2023 | 5/8/2023 | Active |
Catalis Parent, Inc | Icon Legacy Accounting Version | 8/2/2023 | 8/2/2023 | 8/2/2023 | Active |
GovOS, Inc | CountyFusion, A23 R2 | 6/20/2023 | 6/20/2023 | 6/20/2023 | Active |
GSCCCA | eAssist Version | 10/07/2022 | 10/07/2022 | 10/07/2022 | Active |
Kofile Technologies, Inc | DocketSafe, v1 | 9/1/2023 | 9/1/2023 | 9/1/2023 | Active |
Lewis InfoTech, Inc | RPS 2.1 | 8/11/2023 | 8/11/2023 | 8/11/2023 | Active |
Tyler Technologies, Inc | Justice Plus Real Estate & Land Records eFiling v. (fka Micropact) | 12/15/2023 | 12/15/2023 | 12/15/2023 | Active |
Valsoft Corporation, Inc dba Cott Systems | Resolution3, Version 3.12 | 7/6/2023 | 7/6/2023 | 7/6/2023 | Active |